The existence of edge habitat marks the boundaries between ecosystems. The more edge effect that exists, the more biodiversity that exists. And the more the diversity, the better the habitat for wildlife.
Edge Habitat is a conservation contractor recently formed to develop wildlife habitat for landowners. We specialize in developing food plots and early successional growth for hunting and sanctuary properties. A unique idea born from the increasing interest in food plots and wildlife habitat improvement.
Many people have properties that need habitat improvement, but they don't have the equipment, or the expertise, or the time to develop the habitat themselves. That's where Edge Habitat hopes to fill the need, providing custom habitat management practices for whatever the landowners goals might be. We are biologist owned and biology motivated. And no job is too small for Edge Habitat to be of some service.
We hope to discuss pertinent issues with fellow bloggers while developing a network of colleagues in the science. We also hope to learn as much as we can from fellow bloggers on what may be better ideas, or possibly, prospective clients. Please feel free to ask questions... We don't profess to know everything, for science/biology is an evolving science. So let's kick it around...